Curphoo (YMSG) Curphoo-kc (YMSG) Personally I don't think YCHT is going down anytime soon, but here it is anyway a curphoo that uses the YMSG protocol. Special thanks go to the GAIM people, where I got the Yahoo MD5 login code from. Nice app guys! I'm a big fan. Many thanks to the authors of SWIG. I'm also a big fan of this tool. (for more info on the applications above see gpan (author of cheetachat) for the advice and tips. Thanks G! IMParcival, couldn't have done this without you dude. Thanks heaps. rules! Most of all a Big Thank You go to the Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris:1 people for testing/using curphoo for their comments constructive or otherwise and for believing in the author (heh.) and for putting up with all my (heh.)'s which is entirely daryn_lightblade's fault. Enjoy! INSTALLATION (Curphoo-0.2.0-kc version specific) o unpack the source tarball o cd to the newly made directory then cd again to the src directory o type make (or gmake on bsd) o su to root o type make install o type exit to leave the root account o type curphoo o Enjoy! USAGE In chat hit the TAB key for help, hit Enter for the user list. Enjoy! PRIVATE MESSAGES For those that find typing /tell something something something a tad tedious I've added # support. This looks at your last /tell command string and puts that string on the input box excluding the actual message. Enjoy! REAL YAHOO! BUDDY Support In chat type /yb nameofchatter to add that chatter to your Yahoo Buddy list. You will be notified when this chatters goes online/offline. To get a list of which of your yahoo buddies are online type /yb Enjoy! BUGS There are lots of bugs here. If you have time send bug reports to me at this address: Enjoy! AUTHOR Alex Mercader Remember folks the emphasis is on Enjoy!