Curphoo Primer

Command line options [-u<username>] [-r<roomname>] [-s<server>]

    valid values for server are:
    1   (to connect to
    2   (to connect to
    3   (to connect to
    4   (to connect to
    5   (to connect to
    6   (to connect to

The emacs/bash style line-editing

Control keys are denoted by C-key.
ie: C-p means simultaneously hit `Ctrl' and `p'.
    Key     Effect
    ---     ------
    C-p     recalls previous command
    C-n     recalls next command
    C-f     moves cursor forward one character
    C-b     moves cursor backward one character
    C-a     moves cursor to beginning of line
    C-e     moves cursor to the end of the line
    C-d     deletes character under cursor
    C-h     deletes character left of cursor
    C-k     kills from the cursor to end of line
    C-y     inserts the last stretch of killed text
    C-u     kills from the cursor to the beginning of line
    C-w     kill word left of cursor using white space as word boundary
    TAB     complete word

Tab Completion

This is how you tab complete. Maybe you want to type someone's nickname but the nickname is too long for you to type. An example of a long nickname is howcaniloveyouifyouwontliedown's nickname. This nickname is great, I love it. This is how you tab complete his name. On your input box type:
    h<then press TAB here>
If that did not work (maybe it printed out some other nickname on your input box) hit C-w and try:
    ho<then press TAB here>
If that did not work hit C-w again and try:
    how<then press TAB here>
If you're lucky the whole name will be completed for you before you type the whole name manually yourself.

Chat commands

The following commands are not case sensitive and tab completion is available for all commands.


Logs out of Yahoo and quits curphoo. Should /quit fail (as it does when connection to Yahoo is broken unexpectedly) try C-c (simultaneously hit the `Ctrl' and `c' keys).

If you feel like you have to say something before you quit the chat session you can append the message to /quit.

    /quit catch you all later I'm off to bed


If you feel like saying something in chat, just type it in and press enter.
    Yo all was up?
will show up in chat as:
    <YourNickName> Yo all was up?
There are many variations to this greeting. The one above is my own personal favourite.


    /JOIN <roomname>
This is how you will be switching from room to room.
    /JOIN Programming:1
To leave the room you are currently in and join the room named Programming:1


Prints out the list of users in the room you are chatting in. /NAMES, /WHO and / are synonymous.


Notifies the chat room that you are now away from keyboard. The default away message is `back later'. You can supply a different away message by appending the message to /away.
    /AWAY feeding the dog
will show up in chat as:
    YourNickName is away (feeding the dog)
Typing /away again will notify the room that you are back.


Prints out the list of users you have on ignore.
    /IGNORE <nickname>
Blocks any output from user with the given nickname and adds user to your ignore list. If user already appears on your ignore list, it is taken off the list and blocking of the user's output will cease.


Prints out the list of users on your buddy list. This is the list of users you can accept private messages from.
    /BUDDY <nickname>
Adds nickname to your buddy list. Private messages from user with this nickname will now be read.

Note: buddies and ignores will only be saved if $HOME/.curphoo/buddies and $HOME/.curphoo/ignores exist.


    /MSG <nickname> <message>
Sends message to user with nickname in private

If nickname contains white space enclose the nickname in a back quote/single quote pair.

    /MSG `Lemon Pie' hi there!
/tell is synonymous to /msg


Prints out a list of which message types you read and do not read.
    /BLOCK traffic
suppresses/allows `has joined/left the room' type messages.
    /BLOCK away
suppresses/allows `is away/is back' type messages.
    /BLOCK public
suppresses/allows thoughts, emotes and comments. Only really comes in handy when you want to concentrate on private messages.
    /BLOCK pm
suppresses/allows private messages from buddies.


    /hi <nickname>
Prints comments from user with nickname in highlight mode. Issuing the same command turns highlighting off.


Prints out the last url read from the chat room.
Opens the last url read from the chat room in a new Netscape window. You want to be running X and have Netscape installed for this to work.

If you find that Netscape error messages are being written to your chat terminal and corrupting the chat window/status bar please make sure you have the following lines in your $HOME/.Xdefaults file.

and run the following command on the command line:
    xrdb ~/.Xdefaults


You typically run this command when other users on other chat clients run their own version of /uptime to show how stable their chat clients are.


This is a magic command. Don't execute too often.


    :<comment describing what you're doing>
Sends comment to chat. Comment is typically a message that describes what you are doing or pretending to do.
    :is pretending to emote
Will show up in chat as:
    * YourNickname is pretending to emote

shell commands

    !<shell command>
Executes shell command and sends the output to the chat room. Please do not abuse this command as some people find it very annoying.
    !!<shell command>
Executes shell command without sending output to the chat room. Output is displayed only to your screen.

Watch what shell commands you run here though. Some commands can get away from curphoo like `ping' without the -c switch.


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